The great plate clearing debate.

Last weekend I went to a restaurant in the company of four others for a. birthday lunch.  Lovely restaurant but some of us finished before others and the waitress took our plates.  One of our party felt strongly about the fact that plates should not be cleared until  the last person has finished.  It has always been like that in her household and annoyed her when it’s different In Restaurants.

I on the other hand don’t like sitting with dirty plates in front of me. And hate it when Restaurants take too long to clear.  A debate ensued and the waitress came over and said that she couldnt help overhearing our conversation and asked our opinion.  We all had differing ones including those that had no opinion and don’t care.  She asked because she likes to take the plates when they are finished. But her colleague likes to wait til everyone in the party is finished. So i tested this theory again last night having dinner with another couple.  I asked them and we decided to google what the etiquette is for plate clearing. A whole other argument about googling on mobile phones in restaurants.  !! Ha leave that for another time.   But the etiquette pages were not really clear.  Seems to be due to the modern plate Sharing in restaurants or some such.  Happy to get info from those that know.  Or. Have an Opinion on this to share

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